Signs from the Universe

Is the universe trying to communicate with you?

I have been listening and following the signs of the universe since I left home to travel 4 years ago for guidance. It was a little rocky at the start but I built up the trust after a while when I started asking for my sign and it would always show up without fail. I have numbers images and most of the time music that will speak to me when I need it the most.

This one time when I was in Costa Rica, I was travelling by myself for the first time and I ended up in a mountain, in the middle of a thunder and lightning storm at night time. I was terrified. I checked into my hotel, and I was the only one staying there, it was a cabin in the woods, there were cobwebs and spiders everywhere. I was having a crap time by myself, I was so nervous scared and lonely. Whoever said travelling by yourself was fun, I was terrified!! I took out my lonely planet Costa Rica guide, flicked through the pages and asked where should I go next and landed on Tamarindo. So I looked up online work away programmes there. I found a surf and yoga camp and applied. If I didn’t get it I was going to go home. The next day I decided to go zip lining by myself, and at least try and have a good time, and then I came back to the village and I was walking along the road and I saw a hostel and I thought to myself, ill go in here and make some friends. I went in and sat down to order a beer, and I’m contemplating going home. Because it was my first time travelling by myself I was quite nervous to talk to people and shy. I am sitting at a table all by myself, and the next thing this song called “Have Faith” comes on by Palace. I started smiling and I thought to myself ok, ill start trusting. So remember the job I had applied for the day before? I checked my email and they said yes Emma we would love to have you make your way down to the beach! I was so happy I couldn’t believe it. I went back to my cabin in the woods, packed my bag to leave the next morning.

The next day came and I hitchhiked down the mountain caught 3 different buses to the beach with a massive backpack on my back in the scorching sun. My visa had also run out, so I was also taking a huge risk to stay in the country at the time but I met this young couple on the bus and they told me the worst that could happen was I would have to pay a fine on leaving the country so I said fuck it ill stay. (Pure Irish) I arrived at Tamarindo at the surf and yoga camp, and stayed for 3 weeks, I met the most amazing people and I’ve returned to Tamarindo twice after! This is just one of many examples of the universe communicating with me through music.

Another example is when I was working in a ski chalet in France, I had finished my season and I was so ready to leave for the next adventure. I decided to leave and get the train down to the south of France to see what adventure was next. Feeling nervous, with very little money in my pocket I was thinking what the hell am I doing? I was going to the south of France to get a job on the superyachts, and the first job I got was on a yacht called Faith, so that did it for me, that was enough to keep me going. I didn’t get the job on Faith, so I bought a train ticket and travelled up and down the south of France with some friends on the train handing out CVs to yachts, hoping desperately that someone would hire me. Eventually, I got a job on a yacht in Cannes for the Cannes film festival, and this begun my yachting career.

Another sign from the universe is numbers, but they only became clear to me in the last 2 years, I opened my eyes up to them. Most of us know 11:11, which is a good sign things are falling into place everything is aligned, but to keep your thoughts positive as your intentions are manifesting quickly. It can also mean a spiritual awakening.

111 Your intentions are manifesting quickly, make sure what your focusing on is what you want not what you don’t want

2222 Stop worrying, everything is working out as it is supposed to be, trust that you are on the right path

3333 The ascended masters are with you, and assisting you with whatever it is you need

4444 You are surrounded by angels, you are being guided through whatever you are focusing on.

5555 Big changes ahead, trust that the transition is for your highest good, prepare for massive shifts, things are getting exciting

6666 your thoughts need some focusing, this is a reminder that you are a spiritual being having a human experience

7777 Luck is on your side, you are on the ultimate spiritual path, this is a very good sign. Keep doing what you’re doing.

8888 Lots of money, hurrayfinancial abundance is on its way to you right now, you are aligned with the money you desire.

9999 You are being urged to complete something that needs your attention. An ending of a cycle is near.

0000 New Beginnings, a fresh start, being one with the universe, you are the creator of your reality

1111 you are a master manifestor, you are on the right path and alignment at its finest.

There are also other numbers that can pop up too for you on your journey, usually will keep appearing if its trying to get your attention. I usually just google these, and go with the one that resonates the most!

The universe is always trying to communicate with you, it can come in subtle cues first and then if your reaaaaally not listening it will deliver a MASSIVE wake up call. Often it can come through a conversation with someone else, a song on the radio, someone might recommend a book that might actually have the answer you are looking for. Be OPEN to receiving the signs, as they align you with where you need to go. A good affirmation I like to use, “I am open to receiving the guidance that I need on my path right now”.

If you want to have a sign from the universe to show you are on the right path, think of the first thing that comes into your head and don’t question it. Ask that your sign may be shown to you in the next few days and then surrender, and watch the magic unfold.

And also not getting a sign is also a sign. Which means you might need to come back into alignment with your goals and your higher self.

Synchronicities with people places and things is also another clear indication that you are on the right path, its a divine wink from the universe that you are on the right path, so keep trusting your gut and follow those signs and you will be led where you need to go!

Id love to know what your signs from the universe are and any stories that you have, have you anything that shows up from the universe to show you are on the right path?



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